Amazing works of art made from scrap wood

Korean artist – Jaehyo Lee has created amazing works made from seemingly discarded pieces of wood.

Artisan Jaehyo’s work demonstrates respect for natural ingredients and opens up a creative approach that reveals the properties of the ingredients themselves. He had knitted the logs together and exposed the cut side to the outside. His unique works have attracted interest from all over the world.

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Besides some of the works on display at the Albermarle exhibition in London, many of his products have appeared in the lobby of hotels, bringing them closer to everyone.

He shared: “Creating a work of art from familiar materials is definitely easier. But I believe that if you create something that stands out from the crowd from everyday materials, the effect is much greater.”

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When it comes to creating art, he doesn’t give himself quick and easy choices. Each of his works of art requires a lot of work. Most of the products are made by himself and his team of artisans at his workshop in Yangpyong using scrap wood.

He said: “Although it takes a long time to create, although my works may be outdated, that is who I am. I do what’s right for me, so in this digital age I’m still hammering.”

Some of his works look like the empty space between the trees is filled with a black substance, but in reality it is only due to the light and dark effect. To create this effect, he burned the material and then sanded the contact surface to contrast the colors.

“I wanted to show the natural character of the wood.” – he said.

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“The globe is the simplest form that expresses the primordial energy of wood, no angles, the same shape from all sides. I wanted to show as much of the feeling inherent in natural materials as possible.”

Let’s admire Jaehyo Lee’s amazing artworks made from scrap wood.

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