Sustainable development of coal industry

Towards the goal of sustainable development, recently, many coal enterprises have promoted investment in advanced and modern technology lines to improve production efficiency, save energy and natural resources, minerals and reduce environmental pollution.

Transforming the growth model towards a sustainable “green” economy is a strategic goal of Quang Ninh which is persistently pursuing. Accompanying the province’s goals, TKV (Vietnam Coal and Mineral Industries Group) is implementing many solutions to realize this growth model.

coal transport conveyor

Coal transport conveyor

“Green” development is an inevitable trend, so in the 2016-2020 period, the coal industry has spent 4,800 billion VND on environmental protection, dust and noise pollution treatment, and mining technology innovation in an environmentally friendly manner. Typically, in 2019 Vietnam Coal and Mineral Industries Group (TKV) completed the works in the Project on urgent environmental assurance of the coal industry in Quang Ninh province (period 2016-2020); planting trees to cover more than 1,000 ha of waste dumps; install 38 automatic environmental monitoring systems.

Along with that, TKV has invested and put into operation 45 mine wastewater treatment stations with a capacity of more than 120 million m3/year, ensuring that all underground wastewater is treated according to standards; moving many workshops, coal production plants out of the centers, contributing to improving the landscape environment and urban development of the mining area. In mid-2019, TKV terminated the operation of Nam Cau Trang Coal Plant (nearly 33ha).

To carry out the relocation on schedule, TKV has invested 1,600 billion VND in the coal processing center and concentrated coal warehouse in Hon Gai area; dredging the Lang Khanh port channel to serve the relocation of a new production location. Phase 1, TKV builds a screening station with a capacity of 2.5 million tons of coal/year; system of raw coal storage with a capacity of 48,000 tons; closed conveyor system transporting coal from Ha Lam and Hon Gai mines to the center. The successful relocation of Nam Cau Trang Coal Selection Plant helps TKV to completely handle the problem of dust and noise environment affecting the surrounding urban area and Ha Long Bay.

Especially, in the context of increasingly deep mining, the Group’s units have promoted the application of modern technology, improving the efficiency of underground coal mining; invest in mechanized furnace system applied in many different production areas. From the first mechanized kiln applied at Khe Cham Coal Company (in 2015), until now, TKV has replicated 10 mechanized synchronization lines operating in many units such as Ha Lam, Vang Danh, Khe Cham… Mechanized kilns give labor productivity an increase of 2-5 times compared to normal kilns. On average, each year, coal mining output by mechanization reaches 11-14% of total underground coal production.

For open-pit mines, in the period 2015-2020 TKV has invested in many types of trucks carrying soil and rock with a capacity of up to 130 tons; open open-pit mines to create larger mines, step by step conveyor belt transport of coal and rock to reduce production costs and protect the environment. With the investment in innovation of production technology towards mechanization, automation, computerization and synchronization of large-capacity equipment, TKV has contributed to reducing the rate of resource loss in underground mining of TKV from 23.5% to 20% and in open-pit mining from 4.9% to 4.3%; Labor productivity of the whole Group is calculated according to the average growth value of 12%/year.

coal industry

Currently, in the context that a number of economic sectors are facing unprecedented difficulties and challenges due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the coal industry in particular is still expected to “burden” more economic tasks for the country. several other industries. From 2020 up to now, TKV has persistently implemented the dual goals of both preventing and fighting the epidemic, and ensuring production and business; proactive and flexible in directing and operating in accordance with the situation and needs of the market. In 2021, TKV strives to produce 38.5 million tons of coal; consumed 42 million tons; profit of 3,000 billion VND. In the first 4 months alone, TKV has produced more than 13.6 million tons of raw coal; coal consumption reached 13.89 million tons. The Group’s revenue is estimated at more than 38,600 billion VND; average income of employees is 12.7 million VND/person/month. Stable production and business are creating momentum to help TKV develop more and more sustainably, continuing to conquer higher goals.